Essay Contest

Essay Contest
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Hommage a Gerard Barthelemy

Essay Contest


La Fondation Mémoire

 is pleased to invite members of Associations of Haitian-American students   to an escorted seven-day Haiti-History Tour.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture, the Fondation  will  provide to  Haitian-American students the opportunities  to visit their  country of origins  within  a Travel tour that will ensure  possible  maximum physical  security and also a  special cultural and educational program.

Fondation Memoire will  work closely with the ministries above to ensure a safe and secured tour and to establish an  itinerary that will include visits to  the most interesting historic place (Citadelle  Laferriere,   Palais Sans-Souci),  cultural events, meetings with local artists (painters, writers, musicians, handicrafts …, ),  local and national authorities, also  conferences with  Haitian historians  and on subjects of interest .

The objective of this tour is for  you to experiment  your culture, to improve  first hand  your knowledge about your history, to form your own opinion,  to enjoy the lively spirit  of your people and take part in the vibrant cultural and creative life of your country.

Let us know  as soon as possible how many members will take part in the Tour and we will be able to provide more details about the accommodations and all other arrangements.

The  Haiti-History Tour will take place during  December and  Easter breaks  

Past Events

There have  been many activities organized by Fondation Memoire in Washington DC, in  New-York and in Haiti: Conferences, Round table, forums  in New-York, Radio talk show on Vision 2000 in Port-au-Prince,  Seminars, forums  and story telling in Washington DC  
Click on these following links to view some of the programs 

Forum on the Haitian Revolution and the Development of the Concepts of Liberty and Justice in the 19th Century

Forum on Jacques Roumain

To sign up or volunteer for an event, see our "Contact Us" page.